My own skin solution.
Mediself, the personalized
cosmetics that start with you.
The only kit for you with 3 capsules,
among 162 prescriptions.
By analyzing
user patterns and big data,
It recommends
best solutions for you.
Self-developed skin diagnosis system
recommends capsules that fit your skin
My own skin recipe with
3 capsules.
Choose the base and 3 capsules
and make your own recipe.
Differentiation 01.
Patented technology
for custom care.
It has been studied to prevent collisions
with the ingredients of the capsules,
and there are techniques that concentrate
when the active ingredients are mixed.
Differentiation 02.
World's best
MediSelf's active ingredients are the highest quality
ingredients proven in clinical trials
by the world's top three R&D companies.
Differentiation 03.
Skin test system
based on big data.
We recommend suitable products
and necessary ingredients by analyzing
skin types and patterns.
We always start with you
and only for you.
Mediself's philosophy
where you are the center of yourself in beauty.
Journey to find the true your choice
in too many cosmetics.
We wondered, if the use of numerous different products,
aimed at targeting different skin concerns, was effective and safe for our skin?
Instead, what if there was a way to target
all of your skin concerns with just one product?
“With this goal in mind,
he studied and worked hard to find the perfect formulation.
And so finally, Mediself was born.”

@mediself_official Instagram
